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You speak. I listen.

We create miracles.

About BIG Coaching

My name is Ben Depraz.


I created BIG Coaching out of a commitment to help great people lead boldly, gracefully and authentically.


I am passionate about living a high-performing, highly fulfilling, highly authentic existence. I believe this is the best game to play. I've always held a high bar for myself and others. For most of my life, I just didn't know that was okay.


My early interests in people and performance led me to explore the human potential and the ways in which we can best create results in ourselves and impact in the world.


Along the way, I found out that the magic happens inside-out. Miracles come from who you are BEING. This is what I work with.


I'm a star chaser. I find the universe in you, honour it and grow it until you can no longer ignore it.


This work is BIG. And it is not for everyone. 

Ben presenting to a group

My clients

My clients know they can create a bigger life. Not only in terms of achievements. But in terms of fulfilment too.
They are start-up founders, investors and C-level business executives in large corporations. They are fashion designers, artist managers and TV anchors. They are fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.

A few work with me for days. Some work with me for months. Many work with me for years.

triangle to show self awareness, emotional intelligence, grounding

What I help them build

square that shows performance, purpose, people, peace of mind - what Ben helps his clients excel in

What I help them excel in

Self-awareness is the development of attention, discernment and intuition
Grounding is the embodiment of confidence, resilience and presence

Emotional intelligence is the mastery of communication, compassion and connection

Powerful coaching is about 3 things mastered again, and again, and again.


If you don't have either a clear vision or a clear compass, you can't live a BIG life. If you don't know where you're going, at least you need to know how to get there.



If you don't do hard things, if you don't act on what is true for you, if you don't lean into your edge, you'll never live up to your own standards. The only place to be is in the arena.



Commitment is not a feeling, it's a choice. And it's easy to do something bold once. But committing over the long haul is hard. That's why few people do it. That's where the magic is.



100% confidentiality

We create a sacred space of truth and trust.

100% integrity

We say what we mean and do what we say.

100% commitment 

We both give 100% for a 200% relationship.

100% ownership

We take full responsibility for the future we create.

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