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Client stories

Singer, Author and Business Consultant

In my quest to navigate through various life choices, I found Ben to possess the ideal mindset and be the best business partner during a particularly challenging period in both my professional and personal life. Generous, intuitive, and consistently professional in every interaction, I had no doubt that he could provide me with vision, peace of mind, and clear guidance each month.


Over the past year, I have become more confident in my vision, achieved financial stability, and embraced leadership roles in multiple business projects. I wholeheartedly recommend Ben to any top CEO looking to elevate their business.

Founder & CEO
Software Company

I have been curious about self development and personal self mastery for as long as I can remember. 5 years ago I cofounded a technology company that has scaled to 150 people across 4 countries and has raised a significant amount of venture capital investment. As anyone will tell you, this journey is inevitably intense. So when a great friend in New York recommended a coach he had recently worked with, I naturally felt compelled to explore further. Having never undertaken formal coaching before, I had a number of questions. What does coaching entail? Is it worthwhile? Am I ready to lean into it and get the most from it? Do I really need it?


I decided to ask for an introduction and had an initial conversation with Ben. At first, it felt somewhat intimidating. Ben insists on 100% conviction in the process. There is compulsory reading, homework and a level of commitment that is non negotiable. The more I reflected on our first call, this was exactly what I wanted. What's the point in doing this without fully leaning in. So I jumped in and made a promise to myself. For the 7 months we would work together, I would not question the process, and fully commit.


7 months on, and looking back on the time we spent together, I think its quite remarkable how I have transformed. Both as a leader, but as a person. Ben's sessions are purposively unstructured, giving you the freedom to use the time on the challenges that are most pertinent to you. Despite this, he seems to have a model on demand for anything you cover with him, and a takeaway or assignment to allow you to further develop your thinking on the topic. 


There are few people in a professional context who have had such a transformative impact on me. I have no hesitation recommending Ben. Besides being an exceptional guide, he is an incredible person from whom I draw a great deal of inspiration. I have no doubt we will work together again, and Ben has indelibly changed any preconceptions I previously held towards coaching. 

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TV Anchor
Global Media Company

Having seen the impact Ben’s coaching had on loved ones, I decided one New Year’s Eve that this was to be an investment I wanted to make in myself. I wanted to more deeply understand what motivated me, to be bolder in navigating my career and to determine what greater balance looked like for me and my family. 

Ben had worked closely with a family member and I could see directly the impact he made on that person’s decision making process and level of fulfillment. I craved a partner to work with me on my whole self and bring clarity of thought and purpose in the way I could see he was doing for others. 

Ben’s impact goes from the micro to the macro. From helping navigate immediate business conversations to career pivot points, to finding joy in the now and fulfillment in the long term. Ben’s techniques, expertise and advice enabled me to push me out of my comfort zone and embed daily practices that have built my network, built opportunities for the company I work for and crucially built up my and my family’s happiness. 

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Venture Capital Fund

I was at a point in my career and personal life where I felt like something was holding me back. I wanted to discover these blockers and then accelerate my opportunities for growth.

Ben came highly recommended from a Founder that Ben had worked with who had worked with numerous coaches before her work with Ben. I was searching for someone with a framework that they had developed over many years and someone that I just clicked with. Ben was both.

Ben helped me to truly understand and appreciate my values and how to build a life around them. He created some of the most meaningful discoveries during our time together and this has brought even more meaning and fulfilment to all aspects of my life.

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Remote Work Advisor & Collaboration Designer Consultant 

Ben is a truly remarkable life and executive coach. Having experienced his transformative workshop with my YPO forum in 2022 and benefiting from his mentorship during my participation in an iDiscover360 programme in 2023, I cannot emphasise enough how exceptional Ben is as a person and a professional. Ben’s qualities are unparalleled. He exudes compassion, empathy, and possesses an extraordinary ability to listen attentively. His vast knowledge in the coaching domain is awe-inspiring, and he knows exactly how to guide individuals towards deep self-reflection and personal growth. Under his guidance, I gained invaluable perspective and experienced profound personal development. Ben’s expertise empowered me to articulate my core values and purpose in life with clarity. 


What sets Ben apart is that his coaching goes far beyond mere self-discovery. He goes the extra mile to assist you in crafting a tangible plan that allows you to conquer your most intimidating obstacles and turn your biggest dreams into reality. His dedication and commitment are unmatched, and working with him has been an absolute gem of an experience.I wholeheartedly recommend Ben to anyone considering his services. He is an extraordinary individual, and his impact on my life has been immeasurable. If you are seeking a coach who possesses profound insights, unwavering support, and the ability to guide you towards achieving your fullest potential, Ben is the one.


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Managing Director
Real Estate Development Group

Ben is a truly remarkable life and executive coach. Having experienced his transformative workshop with my YPO forum in 2022 and benefiting from his mentorship during my participation in an iDiscover360 programme in 2023, I cannot emphasize enough how exceptional Ben is as a person and a professional.

Ben’s qualities are unparalleled. He exudes compassion, empathy, and possesses an extraordinary ability to listen attentively. His vast knowledge in the coaching domain is awe-inspiring, and he knows exactly how to guide individuals towards deep self-reflection and personal growth. Under his guidance, I gained invaluable perspective and experienced profound personal development. Ben’s expertise empowered me to articulate my core values and purpose in life with clarity.

What sets Ben apart is that his coaching goes far beyond mere self-discovery. He goes the extra mile to assist you in crafting a tangible plan that allows you to conquer your most intimidating obstacles and turn your biggest dreams into reality. His dedication and commitment are unmatched, and working with him has been an absolute gem of an experience.

I wholeheartedly recommend Ben to anyone considering his services. He is an extraordinary individual, and his impact on my life has been immeasurable. If you are seeking a coach who possesses profound insights, unwavering support, and the ability to guide you towards achieving your fullest potential, Ben is the one.

Entrepreneur, Speaker
Technology Start-Up


Benjamin is one of my dearest friends, but also the most amazing coach I have ever had. We started working together to tackle a key challenge to me: turn my project into a real, viable company. The work we have done together has not only helped me create an actual company, but shape the company that fitted my aspirations.


Ben approached each coaching session with an open mind, eager to discover what we would make out of it, and always with the most appropriate tools and insights. With his benevolence but also his ability to push me, we’ve succeeded with the challenge, but also made progress in many more aspects of my life, both professional and personal.

Founder & CEO
Food Distribution & Financing Start-Up


I worked with Ben over a 7 month period. Ben is an incredible friend, coach, and all-round human. He’s very open-minded and has an amazing ability to make you feel comfortable during creation sessions. Throughout my time with him, we covered many avenues of personal growth – from improving leadership to dealing with business and relationship pressures. Throughout this time I found in Ben an anchor to help me zoom out and constantly return to the bigger picture, and make better decisions from there. I highly recommend Ben!

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Music Artist Manager
World-Class DJ

Ben was my coach for an 18-month period and it was a real pleasure to work with someone so committed to their craft, it was very inspiring and totally life changing for me in all areas of life and I would attribute my current successes to the work that we did together. I can not recommend Ben highly enough as a coach!  

General Manager
Global Retail & Distribution


At this stage in my career, I aimed to reach bigger ambitions and handle more important roles in time where objectives set to me from my management where even higher. Having moved from a regional based company to an international organization with different expectations, left me in a blurry area.


Many of what I believed to be my strengths turned out to be not in line with my management outlooks. This disconnection made me realize that working closely with a coach was inevitable in order for me to move in the right direction. Additionally the positive impact Ben had left on my wife’s mindset during his coaching sessions with her, the eye opener he was to her and the actions that she took in result, encouraged me and made me want to benefit from the same process and experience.


Not only I noticed an evolution, but my management realized the same and I came out of the coaching process a different person; one with a different approach, able to make bold decisions, a different leadership style able to attract people and build the right team that will help me accelerate in reaching goals, and one that builds clearer objectives and sticks to his commitment.

Venture Capital Fund

I sought coaching to support my advancement into senior leadership at my firm. My goal was to develop the skills and presence necessary to excel in that position. After researching different coaches, I chose to work with Ben because of his practical, results-oriented approach and the fact that he's a great human being. He possesses a remarkable ability to dissect complex situations, thought patterns, and mental roadblocks – and then helps you reframe them in ways that are exponentially more effective.


The impact of working with Ben has been transformative. My productivity has soared, I approach both my day-to-day and pivotal moments with greater clarity, and my management style has become much more refined. Most importantly, Ben has equipped me with a powerful toolkit of strategies and techniques that will continue to support my personal and professional growth long into the future.

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Alternative Investment Search Firm

Whilst I initially set out to grow and develop my comfort with leadership, the sessions we have had span far beyond my initial goals and have left me feeling like a more complete person and more equipped to take on personal and professional challenges from a place of power and authenticity.

Ben strikes a delicate balance of challenging me whilst offering a supportive ear, which has led to me developing a far stronger self-awareness, allowing me to lead with confidence and empathy.

It has been a blessing to be coached by Ben and I look forward to continuing our relationship together.

Director Global Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform 

I cannot thank Ben enough for the incredible impact he has had on my personal and professional growth. As my coach, he has provided me with invaluable guidance, support, and encouragement throughout my journey, helping me to identify my goals, develop my skills, and achieve my aspirations.


Ben has a remarkable ability to listen attentively, ask insightful questions, and provide constructive feedback that challenges me to reach my full potential. His approach is both professional and personal, creating a safe and trusting environment that allows me to be vulnerable and explore new ideas.


I am grateful for the transformative impact Ben has had on my life, and I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a skilled and compassionate coach.

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Head of Growth
Logistics Start-Up

I was struggling with my professional context and needed to change my beliefs and behaviours in order to progress. I was a fresh manager and needed to manage 20+ sales people during a context of revenue crisis (company dead or alive according to results). It was hard to get feedback from the inside because the coaching I needed was very personal. My CEO had worked with you and recommended I start a process.

Our coaching helped me:
– develop the ability to handle conflictual conversations (being fair VS being loved).
– gain self-confidence / killed self-doubt & questions loop in my head.
– detach myself from bad results to focus on action versus thinking too much about past failures.
– improve my sense of ownership. Not only about professional accountabilities, but also strong ownership of my life and my choices.

Overall, Ben targeted the right problems in my chaotic context. He replaced the wrong questions I asked myself by powerful ones. It’s not magic, it’s hard work. But I will do it again because it’s a cornerstone in my personal growth.

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Global Executive Search Firm

I found great value in my coaching sessions with Ben. I was stepping into co-leading the European business of a global firm, and felt a keen sense of challenge, and some pressure, as I moved into that role. Feeling I would benefit from coaching as I took on more significant management responsibility, I decided to work with Ben following recommendation from a colleague, who had a very positive experience of working with him. My colleague had been recommended Ben by a client who also had a similarly positive experience.

Ben’s approach is anchored in a balanced and objective framework, which provides the basis to explore and identify one’s personal values and priorities with him in structured, regular coaching sessions. These sessions build on each other, with specific exercises set in between each session to reinforce key aspects of the framework relevant to our discussions.  I found Ben particularly skilled at linking the personal and professional, exploring the dynamic interaction between one’s values and priorities, and how those align to one’s professional situation and behaviours.
Throughout the coaching programme, Ben was skilled at asking apt questions that provided moments of real clarity, enhancing my self-awareness, challenging my assumptions, and in setting me specific tasks and goals to facilitate practical application of these insights in my day to day life. Ben was not afraid to push me, although always in a thoughtful and respectful way, to inform my professional development.

In drawing on examples from his own experience and providing insights from those in the world who are exceptional in their field – from sport to academia to business – Ben inspired confidence, and I found the sessions highly motivational. His passion for human performance optimisation and his extensive knowledge in this field was very valuable in helping me clarify how best to address some areas of my approach to management, leadership, and the execution of my work that I became aware I needed to improve. Through the tools Ben provides and his guidance in applying them, it became clear the great benefit that can be found by objectively examining one’s own experiences in the personal and professional realms, both positive and negative. The output formed the basis for real growth and development going forward. I have found this process has also helped build my resiliency during moments of significant challenge.

I cannot recommend Ben highly enough as a professional development coach and found him to be operating at a highly impactful level.

Chief Revenue Officer 
Logistics Scale-Up

Working with Ben has been a game changer in my development both personally and professionally. I feel that thanks to him I am a more confident person and more comfortable in the decisions I have to make on a daily basis. 


Furthermore, thanks to his advice, his follow-up and his open-mindedness, I have been able to grow and perform better in my functions and in the management of my teams.

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Founder & CEO
Private Equity Fund

I was offered professional coaching to accelerate and shape my career within a large private equity fund.

Working with Ben was an obvious choice. He has an engaging yet professional style, and his investment banking background helped us build rapport quickly and communicate effectively.


Ben’s coaching fundamentally changed my outlook on life, providing a framework to improve performance and build self-awareness.

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President of Digital Assets
CryptoAsset Global Fund

I sought out coaching because, as an entrepreneur, I found it more and more difficult to manage a healthy, balanced lifestyle both personally and professionally. Regularly working with a coach has provided a safe space for reflection and enabled me to focus on living more intentionally.  
Ben has an incredible ability to quickly understand nuanced issues and identify deeper meanings and solutions. He has helped me develop a deeper self-awareness and understanding of the world and people. Ben has helped me drastically increase my confidence, happiness, and contentment with life.

I am always blown away by Ben’s level of calmness and wisdom, as well as his ability to evaluate complex situations and glean insights. I’m very solutions oriented. Ben balances this by creating space for reflection and understanding.

After working with Ben, I am living life more thoughtfully. I have a deeper self-awareness that allows me to be a better person, a stronger executive, and live a more balanced, fruitful lifestyle. Working with Ben for the last few years has directly contributed to substantially more monetary wealth, professional growth, and self-love.

Founder & CEO
Logistics Start-up


​I gained a lot of confidence. Coaching allowed me to structure a personal development process to be in a growth mode, and enter a new leadership dimension that was completely intangible a year ago.

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Director, Nutrition and Food Experience International Medical Center

I’ve always been a learner, reading books endlessly and on a journey of self discovery. Have heard from my friends about life coaching and always said to myself: why would I need coaching? No one would know me better than myself? No one can coach me better than myself. Turned out I was wrong.

I kept drowning myself with responsibilities, tasks, deadlines, commitments, achievements, and stress started to build up, it became anxiety, then deprived me of my sleep, it took away my smile, I was at the edge of depression. One day, a dear friend of mine gave me a number and urged me not to speak to her until I call them and register in their coaching course. She said: “this is my gift of friendship to you, this is me offering help. Please do it” and so I did.

My journey of transformation started with Ben when I took the iDiscover360 course in January 2019. We worked closely together and continued after the course. Until today (2023), we’re still in touch and I constantly share my achievements and updates with him.
From the first four days together, I realized that all these years I was sleeping and now I’m awake. I was drowning and now I’m breathing. I was full of fears and mental blocks, programming from the past and projections from the surroundings. I simply was not true to myself. In fact, I did not know nor understand myself.

Life coaching is a must for everyone looking to grow, everyone looking for success in life, looking for leadership roles and great responsibilities. Life nowadays is more difficult than ever, everything is becoming more and more challenging and more and more competitive. To keep growing and standing out, we need to equip ourselves with important skills and learn about ourselves and about life.

Working with Ben not only helped me through my career, it helped me become a better mother, a better wife, a better friend and a better daughter and sister. It gave me confidence and nurtured my personality. It made me become true to myself, aligned with my purpose and values. No hesitance, no second guessing, no self doubts, no mental blocks, no fears, no regrets… It gave me so much internal richness I cannot explain and so much strength. I recommend it to everyone and Ben has been the one I’m forever grateful. So knowledgeable, so enriching, so motivating, so kind yet he pushes you to your highest potential and greatest limit. He has all the tools you need to transform and to live to your purpose and full potential. I have referred so many of my family members and friends to work with him and they’ve all been so grateful and amazed. I recommend working with him to everyone around me, we all need someone like Ben in our lives and those who work with him and know him as a person are very lucky.

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